Is your work food safe?
How do I pay for a special order?
How do I place an order?
Is it possible for me to place an order from you to be shipped to another party as a gift?
Do you give gift certificates?
Do you use stencils or decals for decoration?
If I buy something from you at a show or through an order, will it be possible for you to make me something to match later?
I have a piece of pottery I purchased from another potter. Is it possible for you to make something that matches it?
Is your studio open to the public?
How do you ship orders?
Why do you have such a limited amount of orders available a year?
What is your turn-around time for orders?
You say that you don’t require prepayment for most orders, what orders do you require prepayment?
Do you warranty your work?
Why can I get one of your pieces for minimum bid at an art show, but have to pay more online?
Will you take less for a piece than the listed price?
Do you give volume or bulk discounts?
If I only order a coffee mug for $20.00, why am I charged $35.00?
Do you have a mailing list?
Why are you so handsome?